Lifeline USA Ukraine Foundation

Lifeline USA Ukraine

501(c)(3) nonprofit


Center for Rehabilitation of Veterans with war trauma

1 in 4 active-duty service members is estimated to have at least one mental disorder.

The war that is happening now in Ukraine has no comparison in world history. The burden of mental health disorders is difficult to predict but is expected to be much higher than anything reported.

Post-combat veterans with PTSD stand at above twice the risk of death by suicide than the general population. 

Our Mission

“Revival” exists to help our warriors to cross the bridge from darkness to light and to transform their invisible wounds into post-traumatic growth.

The goal is to help veterans regain meaning, purpose, and engagement with their lives.

Rehabilitation started within 2.5 years from the moment of diagnosis of PTSD was made, showing good results in suicide prevention. This emphasizes the importance of acting swiftly, employing intensive comprehensive measures to prevent suicide in this group.

The lion’s share of fighters are civilians who left their life and positions to fight for integrity and independence. Although the Center will cater to the veterans’ mental health needs, we know that the range of trauma responses also extends to the civilian population, which is why we are introducing an educational program for families of veterans.

More than 25% of active-duty service members are estimated to have at least one mental disorder (anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, etc) which, if left untreated, can worsen. A review of the data among USA veterans reveals a sobering reality:

PTSD past year PTSD at some point
Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom
15 out of 100 (15%)
29 out of 100 (29%)
Desert Storm
14 out of 100 (14%)
21 out of 100 (21%)
Vietnam war
5 out of 100 (5%)
10 out of 100 (10%)
2 out of 100 (2%)
3 out of 100 (3%)

Our Vision

Our rehabilitation center is created for those who are left without a vision of tomorrow, for those who were Heroes yesterday but today are left in the darkness of struggling and can not find their way back. 

We are working on:

  • Intense psychological trauma rehabilitation
  • Somatic disease treatment and physical rehabilitation
  • Social reintegration
  • Training and education of the families
  • Educational resources for the veterans
  • Network of support for the veterans

Our Methods

Psychological rehabilitation will include individual therapy sessions utilizing evidence-based approaches such as:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Art Therapy, mindfulness
  • Polyvagal modalities such as respiratory vagal nerve stimulation (rVNS) and others

Peer mentorship programs pairing veterans who have successfully managed their trauma symptoms with those who are still in the early stages of recovery.

Revival site plan


  • Remote location, low noise to avoid triggers
  • Healing through individualized session and group therapy therapy
  • Social reintegration and community engagement
  • Psychoeducation programs to help veterans understand and manage their trauma
  • Caring for animals and mutual support
Project "Revival" (Відродження)

Healing together

Help our warriors cross the bridge from darkness to light and to transform their
invisible wounds into post-traumatic growth.