Lifeline USA Ukraine Foundation

Lifeline USA Ukraine

501(c)(3) nonprofit

The Lifeline USA Ukraine Foundation has been saving lives in Ukraine since the war's start.

We rush emergency medical supplies to the men, women, and children in need. Now more than ever they need your help. As media coverage lessens, the genocide grows worse. From our medical and humanitarian suppliers in California, to our international transporters, to our couriers in Poland and Ukraine, we ensure every cent donated helps save lives. 

What makes us different

Zero overhead, no middleman

We purchase and ship items directly to the people in need, no intermediaries.

Donations are Tax Deductible

501(c)(3) non-profit. 100% of tax deductible donations go to these emergency supplies. We have no overhead.

Wholesaler discounts

With your tax-deductible contribution, each item below will be purchased directly from a wholesaler at the largest discount extended only to Lifeline USA Ukraine Foundation, boosting purchasing power by 20-50%.

Regular updates

Progress will be updated in real time on this site as these emergency items are purchased.

Message from our donors

“When I donate medical supplies I feel like part of helping people to heal. It’s not the same as donating $100.”
— Patrick, AZ
“Seeing all the abandoned animals suffer breaks my heart, seeing people provide help to animals it gives me hope and I'm glad to supply what I can.”
— Susan, Vet MD, CA
“When I heard a lot Ukrainian people lost power in winter due to destroyed infrastructure I felt that I could help at least couple of families out there. Providing the generators was the least I could do.”
— Eric, Small business owner, CA

Contribute to
Ukraine's Lifeline

Now more than ever, we need your help. Thank you.